Workplace and societal changes have reshaped our employees’ expectations of work, life and employer responsibilities. In preparation for 2023 open enrollment, we use three strategic pillars to help you design your benefits packages: choice, care and communication.

Choice: The Power to Pick

We work with employers to design healthcare plans with optimal choices for employees because offering choices for employees to select what plan works best for them is a key driver of engagement, trust and benefits appreciation. When employees don’t have a choice in benefits, they are more likely to say the plans are expensive rather than a good value. Nearly half of employers added more choices to their benefits packages in 2022, and another 25% are planning or considering doing so in the next year.

With multiple generations of workers and an increasingly diverse workforce, you need to consider diverse employee needs. You can’t legally offer different benefits to different workers, but we help you prepare a benefits strategy encompassing multiple life stages and demographics.

Care: Sense of Security

The Covid-19 pandemic caused uncertainty worldwide and created the demand for a sense of security. Employees want to know that their employers care about them and that their benefits are available when needed. We help you emphasize the security that your benefits package provides and what you do to help support your employees during benefits enrollment and throughout the year.

Beyond basic medical plan choices, we provide options to offer expanded healthcare solutions that meet employees where they are. These include options for flexible spending accounts and culturally sensitive care programs to supplement in-network options like mental healthcare for minority communities. Reviewing your offerings through a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) lens is a top priority for many companies.

Communication: Builds Confidence

More choices and a more diverse employee base make the clarity of benefits communications more important than ever. PT Business Solutions provides communication tools to showcase your robust employee healthcare packages. We support the education of your employees for easier decision-making during open enrollment and then provide ongoing service to them throughout the year.

Having a multi-faceted communication strategy is critical to educating employees and reaching them in ways and at times that work best for them.

We can help you reach various employee types by using targeted and personalized communication tactics with longer lead times before they need to make their final health care decisions.

Bonus “C”:  Client-Centric

In addition to choice, care and communication, we are known for our client-centric approach. Our entire staff is dedicated to providing superior service to you and your team. You’ll never wait on hold with a provider again because we are your support team and health advocate throughout the year. Whether for claims, invoices, treatment denials, Rx issues, or general questions, our team is ready to help. Reach out to PT Business Solutions now.