Mental health ranks 3rd, ahead of body image, grades, or getting into college.

Gen Z is the youngest generation in the workforce and the most vocal about what they expect from their employers. They are the most diverse and well-educated generation in the U.S. and are making waves in the workplace.

Who is Generation Z?

Generation Z, colloquially known as zoomers, is the demographic cohort following Millennials. Gen Z refers to anyone born after 1996. This young generation grew up in a digital-first era. They were positioned to inherit a strong economy but were then burdened by a global pandemic and global crises. Gen Zers are on track to be one of the most well-educated, racially, ethnically diverse, and digitally-savvy generations. They hold very different beliefs than their predecessors, from political viewpoints and mental wellness.

Gen Z Stats

Check out statistics worth noting:

  • 84% of Gen Z women are more likely than men to prioritize healthcare benefits
  • 77% prioritize compensation and benefits when choosing a job
  • 60% would like to see options on questionnaires other than the traditional male/female
  • 59% pursue a college education
  • 50% believe that society needs to be more accommodating and accepting of people who identify as other genders
  • 48% are non-white
  • 46% of Gen Zs feel financially stressed most of the time
  • 35% will form the global workforce in 10 years
  • 33% live in single-parent homes
  • 13% are already in the workforce

Gen Z in the Workforce

While many Gen Zs are still covered under their parents’ healthcare plans, that will change in the next few years; the world of health benefits will need to change with it, and so will the benefits you offer to employees.

When asked about their top worries, mental health ranks third, ahead of body image, grades, or getting into college. This generation has increasing mental health concerns.

Although members of Gen Z have grand ambitions, they also have considerable concerns that weigh on them, which could impact their ability to realize those aspirations due to mental health issues.

Employers are more aware of the need for mental health benefits as employees become more vocal about the need for mental wellness. Stress, depression, and suicide are part of the discussion topics in mental health care.

This has significant implications for employers because employees will bring their issues into the workplace. It would be wise to help them manage their mental health.

Success with Gen Z

PT Business Solutions offers a flexible suite of business solutions to help you attract and retain talent from all generations of workers while mitigating risk and lowering costs.