21.8 million people are currently working part-time by choice, according to the most recent Jun 2, 2023, report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s almost 15% of our US workforce.  Despite layoffs, companies continue to struggle to hire workers, whether they be full or part-time.

Even with an uncertain economy and greater expenses for most Americans, a growing number of workers are reducing their work hours and focusing on part-time employment. The ratio of people working part-time voluntarily to those who want more work is nearly six to one, the highest in two decades, a sign of a strong labor market enabling workers to set more flexible hours.

Therefore, businesses are considering increasing their percentage of a part-time workforce and extending health care coverage to part-timers.

Offering Health Insurance to Part-Timers

Medical coverage is an essential workplace benefit. Many employers limit their coverage to full-time employees, but more are offering plans to part-time workers. Here are six examples:

1. JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase hires many part-time associate bankers to staff its branches nationwide. Employees scheduled for at least 20 hours a week are eligible for health insurance coverage. Workers must be employed for at least 60 days before beginning their benefits, including prescription drug, vision and dental coverage.

2. Activision Blizzard

Activision Blizzard is a leading developer of interactive entertainment, including games such as Call of Duty and World of Warcraft. They are hiring software developers, digital artists and marketing managers. Any of their part-time U.S. employees who are regularly scheduled for at least 30 hours a week are eligible for health benefits.

3. American Red Cross

At the American Red Cross, part-time workers who work at least 20 hours a week are eligible for health benefits. New hires must enroll for medical insurance within 31 days of their hire and can select from four different plans with varying coverage levels and costs. They are currently hiring technicians, medical technologists and bus drivers.

4. Costco

At Costco, once cashiers and other part-time hourly employees have 60 days of continuous service, they can enroll in one of several health insurance plans offered by the company. Except in Hawaii, seasonal, temporary or limited part-time employees are not eligible.

5. Aquent

Even temporary workers can get health benefits if they find a part-time job through Aquent, a staffing company for the marketing and creative industries. They provide health insurance to workers on assignment for less than one year so long as they work 20 hours a week. Workers can choose from three plans, and Aquent subsidizes premiums for each hour worked.

6. Lowe’s

Part-time employees at Lowe’s home improvement store can enroll in a medical plan offering limited benefits. Coverage includes up to four primary doctor office visits and four specialist office visits per calendar year. However, hospital and surgical coverage is not included. Cashiers, stockers and customer service representatives are among the part-time positions available at Lowe’s.

Requirements of Insuring Part-Timers

Many smaller companies also provide full- and part-time employees health coverage.

Whereas employers with more than 50 employees are required to offer benefits to full-time workers, it’s not mandatory to offer medical and dental insurance to part-time workers. Regardless of your company’s size, if you provide health benefits for your workers, you must offer health coverage according to Affordable Care Act (ACA) standards. Under the ACA, employees who work fewer than 30 hours per week are part-time workers. You can adjust your part-time benefits based on the ACA’s minimum participation requirements. Generally, the only health insurance category unavailable to part-time workers under the ACA are flexible spending accounts.

Plenty of Part-Time Participants

All employees value health care more than ever. PT Solutions uses a client-centric approach which means our entire staff is dedicated to providing you with superior options and service to you and your team.

Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm